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ReferenceError: primordials is not defined in node

Use following commands to install  node v11.15.0  and  gulp v3.9.1 : npm install -g n sudo n 11.15 .0 npm install gulp@^ 3.9 .1 npm install npm rebuild node-sass Will solve this issue: ReferenceError : primordials is not def…

Don't have a Zoom Application installed?

Hmm what if you don't have a zoom app installed and need to attend a Zoom meeting. You can try their web browser option by going to the below link  ( ) Go to . Enter your  meeting ID  provid…

How to post well formatted code snippets in Blogger

In case if you are looking to post formatted code snippet in Blogger post. One of the solutions is to use service. You can input your code snippet - choose the language and the service will provide you a well fo…

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