New User Interface Resource Center Launched

Here is a Good news that a New User Interface Resource Center has been launched. It seems to be great and would help develop RIA's. Here's the official description:

"The User Interface Resource Center is a community resource dedicated to providing information, education and resources around the technologies and techniques that make up the world of user interface design, development and rich Internet applications.

Adobe and Microsoft are both UIRC content partners. We are also inviting other agencies and thought leaders to contribute content and share their industry insights. Enterprise companies such as eBay, NASDAQ, and Discovery Channel have also agreed to share their case studies or be interviewed for the site.

The target audience will be business technology professionals specifically seeking to understand and learn how UI design and technologies can benefit and improve their business and customer experience."

Since Microsoft and Adobe along with EffectiveUI are their sponsors, one can really look towards lots of events and excellent articles in their site.

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